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Tip: Pay your Manulife Insurance premiums online or by phone.

  • Go to your personal banking site and choose Manulife Individual Insurance from the list of payees.
  • Then, when it asks for your account number, add ILC to the front of your policy number (you can find your policy number on the front of your enclosed bill).

*Former Maritime Life clients should also choose Manulife Individual Insurance

Tip: How to make deposits online to your Manulife Wealth Inc. account.

  • Set up Fidelity Clearing Canada as a payee with your online bank
  • Add your Manulife Wealth Inc. 8-digit account # which will be found on your new Manulife Wealth statement (will start with a Y)
  • Ensure that you have the available amount of contribution room in that account before using this service
  • You will be unable to use this service for accounts that do not allow normal deposits (e.g. Locked-in RSPs,RRIFs, etc.)
  • Transfer (pay) the amount you wish to deposit
  • Make note of your confirmation or reference number when the payment is completed
  • Advise our office once this is done and we will watch for it online and confirm it has been received. (Depending on the bank response time it can take a couple of days to appear in your account.)

519-884-4650 | 1-877-880-4650